• 11 jobs available


Introducing the department

Our experienced team plans, builds, and operates essential, reliable fixed infrastructure for our customers in the mobile communications sector, as well as for customers in other segments who need radio or antenna technology.

What is our corporate vision?

Together we develop the technologies of the future. 

At Vantage Towers, we're dedicated to developing new technologies and creating better connections every day. Our diverse teams are all united by our guiding vision - to improve and grow every day while transforming Europes digital society. Find your start and apply now!

What is our corporate vision?

Employee testimonials

David Tichý
Landlord Management Supervisor, Vantage Towers Czech Republic

“Vantage Towers is a great employer. My job is inspirational and creative, with lots of aspects to it. My workmates bring different views to the same tasks, which gives me more possibilities to choose the right solution.”

Hans-Christian Messner
Hans-Christian Messner
Grouplead Deployment

"Bei Vantage Towers fühlt man sich sofort wohl. Die hohe Flexibilität der Arbeitszeiten ermöglicht es mir, Beruf und Privatleben optimal zu vereinbaren. Meine hilfsbereiten Kollegen aus verschiedenen Nationalitäten schaffen ein inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld. Die tollen Benefits und die Vielzahl an spannenden Themen und Herausforderungen in der Tower Company Welt motivieren mich täglich. Besonders schätze ich, dass Eigeninitiative belohnt wird und jeder die Möglichkeit hat, sich weiterzuentwickeln. Vantage Towers ist ein Ort, an dem man wachsen und sich entfalten kann!“

Jan Nevečeřal
Operations & Maintenance Lead, Vantage Towers Czech Republic

“Working for Vantage Towers is a great opportunity! It is a new company with a solid base and potential for growth, as well as a place where I feel like a respected, appreciated part of the team. We are shaping our future using the best practices gained from across the world.”

Karel Kroft
Karel Kroft
FLM specialist, Vantage Towers Czech Republic

"Working at Vantage Towers is a truly rewarding experience. As part of a global corporation, the company offers a wide range of opportunities and an international outlook, while the local Czech branch feels like a close-knit, family-oriented company where everyone knows and supports each other. This rare blend creates an inspiring and dynamic environment where collaboration and innovation come naturally. I particularly value the opportunity to apply my expertise in telecommunications to develop innovative solutions in FLM (First Line Maintenance) for managing telco infrastructure and networks. Vantage Towers strikes the ideal balance between professional challenges and a supportive team culture, making it an exceptional place to grow both personally and professionally."

Livia Avramita
Livia Avramita
Infrastructure Project Coordinator, Vantage Towers Romania

"Working here in Vantage Towers was ( and still is) an outstanding experience. Vantage family is a company that offers the possibility of personal and professional development (accessing different courses), which emphasizes and insists on the skills of employees. Both the company and my team is helping me a lot in my performance. Our strengths are trust, seriousness, professionalism and punctuality. Everything is aligned so that objectives will be achieved."

Mariana Iabanji
Mariana Iabanji
GLBO & Contract Negotiation PMO, Vantage Towers Portugal

"Vantage Towers Portugal offers an amazing opportunity to work with dedicated professionals that are really making a difference in the telecommunications sector. I am continuously motivated by the collaborative work done between departments and the shared spirit of moving towards common goals, which allows me to provide a strong foundation for my development, professionally and personally."

Miguel Trindade
Miguel Trindade
Infrastructure Deployment Manager, Vantage Towers Portugal

"Working at Vantage Towers has been an incredibly rewarding experience. As an Deployment Manager, I have the opportunity to oversee diverse projects, from new build sites to DAS construction, across Portugal. The collaborative environment and support from the central development team have been instrumental in my professional growth. Vantage Towers fosters a culture of innovation and excellence, providing ample opportunities for development and career advancement. I am proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions and making a significant impact in the telecommunications industry."

Ricardo Raimundo
FLM Management Specialist – O&M, Vantage Towers Portugal

"Working at Vantage Towers has been an incredible experience. The fast-paced environment coupled with challenging projects in the telecom infrastructure sector has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. I've had the privilege of contributing to improve our portfolio, witnessing firsthand the impact of our work on the connectivity across the country. The supportive team, combined with the company's commitment to innovation and safety, has made my time here truly fulfilling."

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